Source code for pcse.fileinput.csvweatherdataprovider

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Alterra, Wageningen-UR
# Allard de Wit (
# and Zacharias Steinmetz (, Aug 2015
"""A weather data provider reading its data from CSV files.
import os
import datetime as dt
import csv
import math

from ast import literal_eval

from ..base import WeatherDataContainer, WeatherDataProvider
from ..util import reference_ET, angstrom, check_angstromAB
from ..exceptions import PCSEError
from ..settings import settings

class ParseError(PCSEError):

class OutOfRange(PCSEError):

class IRRADFromSunshineDuration:

    def __init__(self, latitude, angstA, angstB):

        assert -90 < latitude < 90, \
            "Invalid latitude value (%s) encountered" % latitude
        check_angstromAB(angstA, angstB)
        self.latitude = latitude
        self.angstA = angstA
        self.angstB = angstB

    def __call__(self, value, day):
        """Computes irradiance in J/m2/day from sunshine duration by applying the Angstrom equation

        :param value: sunshine duration in hours
        :param day: the day
        :return: irradiance in J/m2/day
        assert 0 <= value <= 24, \
            "Invalid sunshine duration value (%s) encountered at day %s" % (value, day)
        irrad = angstrom(day, self.latitude, value, self.angstA, self.angstB)

        return irrad

def csvdate_to_date(x, dateformat):
    """Converts string x to a using given format.

    :param x: the string representing a date
    :param dateformat: a strptime() accepted date format
    :return: a date
    return dt.datetime.strptime(x, dateformat).date()

# Conversion functions
def NoConversion(x, d):
    return float(x)

def kJ_to_J(x, d):
    return float(x)*1000.

def mm_to_cm(x, d):
    return float(x)/10.

def kPa_to_hPa(x, d):
    return float(x)*10.

[docs]class CSVWeatherDataProvider(WeatherDataProvider): """Reading weather data from a CSV file. :param csv_fname: name of the CSV file to be read :param delimiter: CSV delimiter :param dateformat: date format to be read. Default is '%Y%m%d' :keyword ETmodel: "PM"|"P" for selecting Penman-Monteith or Penman method for reference evapotranspiration. Default is 'PM'. :param force_reload: Ignore cache file and reload from the CSV file The CSV file should have the following structure (sample), missing values should be added as 'NaN':: ## Site Characteristics Country = 'Netherlands' Station = 'Wageningen, Haarweg' Description = 'Observed data from Station Haarweg in Wageningen' Source = 'Meteorology and Air Quality Group, Wageningen University' Contact = 'Peter Uithol' Longitude = 5.67; Latitude = 51.97; Elevation = 7; AngstromA = 0.18; AngstromB = 0.55; HasSunshine = False ## Daily weather observations (missing values are NaN) DAY,IRRAD,TMIN,TMAX,VAP,WIND,RAIN,SNOWDEPTH 20040101,NaN,-0.7,1.1,0.55,3.6,0.5,NaN 20040102,3888,-7.5,0.9,0.44,3.1,0,NaN 20040103,2074,-6.8,-0.5,0.45,1.8,0,NaN 20040104,1814,-3.6,5.9,0.66,3.2,2.5,NaN 20040105,1469,3,5.7,0.78,2.3,1.3,NaN [...] with IRRAD in kJ/m2/day or hours TMIN and TMAX in Celsius (°C) VAP in kPa WIND in m/sec RAIN in mm SNOWDEPTH in cm For reading weather data from a file, initially the CABOWeatherDataProvider was available which read its data from text in the CABO weather format. Nevertheless, building CABO weather files is tedious as for each year a new file must constructed. Moreover it is rather error prone and formatting mistakes are easily leading to errors. To simplify providing weather data to PCSE models, a new data provider has been derived from the ExcelWeatherDataProvider that reads its data from simple CSV files. The CSVWeatherDataProvider assumes that records are complete and does not make an effort to interpolate data as this can be easily accomplished in a text editor. Only SNOWDEPTH is allowed to be missing as this parameter is usually not provided outside the winter season. """ obs_conversions = { "TMAX": NoConversion, "TMIN": NoConversion, "IRRAD": kJ_to_J, "VAP": kPa_to_hPa, "WIND": NoConversion, "RAIN": mm_to_cm, "SNOWDEPTH": NoConversion } def __init__(self, csv_fname, delimiter=',', dateformat='%Y%m%d', ETmodel='PM', force_reload=False): WeatherDataProvider.__init__(self) self.fp_csv_fname = os.path.abspath(csv_fname) self.dateformat = dateformat self.ETmodel = ETmodel if not os.path.exists(self.fp_csv_fname): msg = "Cannot find weather file at: %s" % self.fp_csv_fname raise PCSEError(msg) if force_reload or not self._load_cache_file(self.fp_csv_fname): with open(csv_fname, 'r') as csv_file: csv_file.readline() # Skip first line self._read_meta(csv_file) self._read_observations(csv_file, delimiter) self._write_cache_file(self.fp_csv_fname) def _read_meta(self, csv_file): header = {} for line in csv_file: if line.startswith('## Daily weather observations'): break statements = line.split(';') for stmt in statements: key, val = stmt.split('=') header[key.strip()] = literal_eval(val.strip()) self.nodata_value = -99 self.description = [u"Weather data for:", u"Country: %s" % header['Country'], u"Station: %s" % header['Station'], u"Description: %s" % header['Description'], u"Source: %s" % header['Source'], u"Contact: %s" % header['Contact']] self.longitude = float(header['Longitude']) self.latitude = float(header['Latitude']) self.elevation = float(header['Elevation']) angstA = float(header['AngstromA']) angstB = float(header['AngstromB']) self.angstA, self.angstB = check_angstromAB(angstA, angstB) self.has_sunshine = bool(header['HasSunshine']) # If the file has sunshine duration, we replace the convertor with the angstrom module if self.has_sunshine: self.obs_conversions["IRRAD"] = IRRADFromSunshineDuration(self.latitude, self.angstA, self.angstB) def _read_observations(self, csv_file, delimiter): """Processes the rows with meteo data and converts into the correct units. """ obs = csv.DictReader(csv_file, delimiter=delimiter, quotechar='"') for i, d in enumerate(obs): try: day = None day = csvdate_to_date(d.pop("DAY"), self.dateformat) row = {"DAY": day} for label in self.obs_conversions.keys(): func = self.obs_conversions[label] value = float(d[label]) r = func(value, day) if math.isnan(r): if label == "SNOWDEPTH": continue raise ParseError row[label] = r # Reference ET in mm/day e0, es0, et0 = reference_ET(LAT=self.latitude, ELEV=self.elevation, ANGSTA=self.angstA, ANGSTB=self.angstB, ETMODEL=self.ETmodel, **row) # convert to cm/day row["E0"] = e0/10. row["ES0"] = es0/10. row["ET0"] = et0/10. wdc = WeatherDataContainer(LAT=self.latitude, LON=self.longitude, ELEV=self.elevation, **row) self._store_WeatherDataContainer(wdc, day) except (ParseError, KeyError): msg = "Failed reading element '%s' for day '%s' at line %i. Skipping ..." % (label, day, i) self.logger.warn(msg) except ValueError as e: # strange value in cell msg = "Failed computing a value for day '%s' at row %i" % (day, i) self.logger.warn(msg) def _load_cache_file(self, csv_fname): cache_filename = self._find_cache_file(csv_fname) if cache_filename is None: return False else: self._load(cache_filename) return True def _find_cache_file(self, csv_fname): """Try to find a cache file for file name Returns None if the cache file does not exist, else it returns the full path to the cache file. """ cache_filename = self._get_cache_filename(csv_fname) if os.path.exists(cache_filename): cache_date = os.stat(cache_filename).st_mtime csv_date = os.stat(csv_fname).st_mtime if cache_date > csv_date: # cache is more recent then CSV file return cache_filename return None def _get_cache_filename(self, csv_fname): """Constructs the filename used for cache files given csv_fname """ basename = os.path.basename(csv_fname) filename, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) tmp = "%s_%s.cache" % (self.__class__.__name__, filename) cache_filename = os.path.join(settings.METEO_CACHE_DIR, tmp) return cache_filename def _write_cache_file(self, csv_fname): cache_filename = self._get_cache_filename(csv_fname) try: self._dump(cache_filename) except (IOError, EnvironmentError) as e: msg = "Failed to write cache to file '%s' due to: %s" % (cache_filename, e) self.logger.warning(msg)