Source code for pcse.timer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Alterra, Wageningen-UR
# Allard de Wit (, April 2014
from __future__ import print_function
import datetime

from .pydispatch import dispatcher
from .base import AncillaryObject, VariableKiosk
from .traitlets import HasTraits, Instance, Bool, Int, Enum
from . import signals
from .util import is_a_dekad, is_a_month, is_a_week

[docs]class Timer(AncillaryObject): """This class implements a basic timer for use with the WOFOST crop model. This object implements a simple timer that increments the current time with a fixed time-step of one day at each call and returns its value. Moreover, it generates OUTPUT signals in daily, dekadal or monthly time-steps that can be caught in order to store the state of the simulation for later use. Initializing the timer:: timer = Timer(start_date, kiosk, final_date, mconf) CurrentDate = timer() **Signals sent or handled:** * "OUTPUT": sent when the condition for generating output is True which depends on the output type and interval. """ start_date = Instance( end_date = Instance( current_date = Instance( time_step = Instance(datetime.timedelta) interval_type = Enum(["daily", "weekly", "dekadal", "monthly"]) output_weekday = Int() interval_days = Int() generate_output = Bool(False) day_counter = Int(0) first_call = Bool(True) _in_crop_cycle = Bool()
[docs] def initialize(self, kiosk, start_date, end_date, mconf): """ :param day: Start date of the simulation :param kiosk: Variable kiosk of the PCSE instance :param end_date: Final date of the simulation. For example, this date represents (START_DATE + MAX_DURATION) for a single cropping season. This date is *not* the harvest date because signalling harvest is taken care of by the `AgroManagement` module. :param mconf: A ConfigurationLoader object, the timer needs access to the configuration attributes mconf.OUTPUT_INTERVAL, mconf.OUTPUT_VARS and mconf.OUTPUT_INTERVAL_DAYS """ self.kiosk = kiosk self.start_date = start_date self.end_date = end_date self.current_date = start_date # self.day_counter = 0 # Settings for generating output. Note that if no OUTPUT_VARS are listed # in that case no OUTPUT signals will be generated. self.generate_output = bool(mconf.OUTPUT_VARS) self.interval_type = mconf.OUTPUT_INTERVAL.lower() self.output_weekday = mconf.OUTPUT_WEEKDAY self.interval_days = mconf.OUTPUT_INTERVAL_DAYS self.time_step = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
# self.first_call = True def __call__(self): # On first call only return the current date, do not increase time if self.first_call is True: self.first_call = False self.logger.debug("Model time at first call: %s" % self.current_date) else: self.current_date += self.time_step self.day_counter += 1 self.logger.debug("Model time updated to: %s" % self.current_date) # Check if output should be generated output = False if self.generate_output: if self.interval_type == "daily": if (self.day_counter % self.interval_days) == 0: output = True elif self.interval_type == "weekly": if is_a_week(self.current_date, self.output_weekday): output = True elif self.interval_type == "dekadal": if is_a_dekad(self.current_date): output = True elif self.interval_type == "monthly": if is_a_month(self.current_date): output = True # Send output signal if True if output: self._send_signal(signal=signals.output) # If end date is reached send the terminate signal if self.current_date >= self.end_date: msg = "Reached end of simulation period as specified by END_DATE." self._send_signal(signal=signals.terminate) return self.current_date, float(self.time_step.days)
def simple_test(): "Only used for testing timer routine" class Container(object): pass def on_OUTPUT(): print("Output generated.") Start =, 1, 1) End =, 2, 1) kiosk = VariableKiosk() dispatcher.connect(on_OUTPUT, signal=signals.output, sender=dispatcher.Any) mconf = Container() mconf.OUTPUT_INTERVAL = "dekadal" mconf.OUTPUT_INTERVAL_DAYS = 4 mconf.OUTPUT_VARS = ["dummy"] print("-----------------------------------------") print("Dekadal output") print("-----------------------------------------") timer = Timer(Start, kiosk, End, mconf) for i in range(100): today = timer() print("-----------------------------------------") print("Monthly output") print("-----------------------------------------") mconf.OUTPUT_INTERVAL = "monthly" timer = Timer(Start, kiosk, End, mconf) for i in range(150): today = timer() print("-----------------------------------------") print("daily output with 4 day intervals") print("-----------------------------------------") mconf.OUTPUT_INTERVAL = "daily" timer = Timer(Start, kiosk, End, mconf) for i in range(150): today = timer() if __name__ == '__main__': simple_test()