Source code for pcse.base.states_rates

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2004-2018 Alterra, Wageningen-UR
# Allard de Wit (, April 2014
import logging
from datetime import date

from ..traitlets import (HasTraits, List, Float, Int, Instance, Dict, Bool, All)
from ..pydispatch import dispatcher
from ..util import Afgen
from .. import exceptions as exc
from ..settings import settings
from .variablekiosk import VariableKiosk

[docs]class ParamTemplate(HasTraits): """Template for storing parameter values. This is meant to be subclassed by the actual class where the parameters are defined. example:: >>> import pcse >>> from pcse.base import ParamTemplate >>> from pcse.traitlets import Float >>> >>> >>> class Parameters(ParamTemplate): ... A = Float() ... B = Float() ... C = Float() ... >>> parvalues = {"A" :1., "B" :-99, "C":2.45} >>> params = Parameters(parvalues) >>> params.A 1.0 >>> params.A; params.B; params.C 1.0 -99.0 2.4500000000000002 >>> parvalues = {"A" :1., "B" :-99} >>> params = Parameters(parvalues) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "pcse/", line 205, in __init__ raise exc.ParameterError(msg) pcse.exceptions.ParameterError: Value for parameter C missing. """ def __init__(self, parvalues): HasTraits.__init__(self) for parname in self.trait_names(): # If the attribute of the class starts with "trait" than # this is a special attribute and not a WOFOST parameter if parname.startswith("trait"): continue # else check if the parname is available in the dictionary # of parvalues if parname not in parvalues: msg = "Value for parameter %s missing." % parname raise exc.ParameterError(msg) value = parvalues[parname] if isinstance(getattr(self, parname), (Afgen)): # AFGEN table parameter setattr(self, parname, Afgen(value)) else: # Single value parameter setattr(self, parname, value) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): if attr.startswith("_"): HasTraits.__setattr__(self, attr, value) elif hasattr(self, attr): HasTraits.__setattr__(self, attr, value) else: msg = "Assignment to non-existing attribute '%s' prevented." % attr raise AttributeError(msg)
def check_publish(publish): """ Convert the list of published variables to a set with unique elements. """ if publish is None: publish = [] elif isinstance(publish, str): publish = [publish] elif isinstance(publish, (list, tuple)): pass else: msg = "The publish keyword should specify a string or a list of strings" raise RuntimeError(msg) return set(publish) class StatesRatesCommon(HasTraits): _kiosk = Instance(VariableKiosk) _valid_vars = Instance(set) _locked = Bool(False) def __init__(self, kiosk=None, publish=None): """Set up the common stuff for the states and rates template including variables that have to be published in the kiosk """ HasTraits.__init__(self) # Make sure that the variable kiosk is provided if not isinstance(kiosk, VariableKiosk): msg = ("Variable Kiosk must be provided when instantiating rate " + "or state variables.") raise RuntimeError(msg) self._kiosk = kiosk # Check publish variable for correct usage publish = check_publish(publish) # Determine the rate/state attributes defined by the user self._valid_vars = self._find_valid_variables() # Register all variables with the kiosk and optionally publish them. self._register_with_kiosk(publish) def _find_valid_variables(self): """Returns a set with the valid state/rate variables names. Valid rate variables have names not starting with 'trait' or '_'. """ valid = lambda s: not (s.startswith("_") or s.startswith("trait")) r = [name for name in self.trait_names() if valid(name)] return set(r) def _register_with_kiosk(self, publish): """Register the variable with the variable kiosk. Here several operations are carried out: 1. Register the variable with the kiosk, if rates/states are registered twice an error will be raised, this ensures uniqueness of rate/state variables across the entire model. 2 If the variable name is included in the list set by publish keyword then set a trigger on that variable to update its value in the kiosk. Note that self._vartype determines if the variables is registered as a state variable (_vartype=="S") or rate variable (_vartype=="R") """ for attr in self._valid_vars: if attr in publish: publish.remove(attr) self._kiosk.register_variable(id(self), attr, type=self._vartype, publish=True) self.observe(handler=self._update_kiosk, names=attr, type=All) else: self._kiosk.register_variable(id(self), attr, type=self._vartype, publish=False) # Check if the set of published variables is exhausted, otherwise # raise an error. if len(publish) > 0: msg = ("Unknown variable(s) specified with the publish " + "keyword: %s") % publish raise exc.PCSEError(msg) # def __setattr__(self, attr, value): # # Attributes starting with "_" can be assigned or updated regardless # # of whether the object is locked. # # # # Note that the check on startswith("_") *MUST* be the first otherwise # # the assignment of some trait internals will fail # if attr.startswith("_"): # HasTraits.__setattr__(self, attr, value) # elif attr in self._valid_vars: # if not self._locked: # HasTraits.__setattr__(self, attr, value) # else: # msg = "Assignment to locked attribute '%s' prevented." % attr # raise AttributeError(msg) # else: # msg = "Assignment to non-existing attribute '%s' prevented." % attr # raise AttributeError(msg) def _update_kiosk(self, change): """Update the variable_kiosk through trait notification. """ self._kiosk.set_variable(id(self), change["name"], change["new"]) def unlock(self): "Unlocks the attributes of this class." self._locked = False def lock(self): "Locks the attributes of this class." self._locked = True def _delete(self): """Deregister the variables from the kiosk before garbage collecting. This method is coded as _delete() and must by explicitly called because of precarious handling of __del__() in python. """ for attr in self._valid_vars: self._kiosk.deregister_variable(id(self), attr) @property def logger(self): loggername = "%s.%s" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) return logging.getLogger(loggername)
[docs]class StatesTemplate(StatesRatesCommon): """Takes care of assigning initial values to state variables, registering variables in the kiosk and monitoring assignments to variables that are published. :param kiosk: Instance of the VariableKiosk class. All state variables will be registered in the kiosk in order to enfore that variable names are unique across the model. Moreover, the value of variables that are published will be available through the VariableKiosk. :param publish: Lists the variables whose values need to be published in the VariableKiosk. Can be omitted if no variables need to be published. Initial values for state variables can be specified as keyword when instantiating a States class. example:: >>> import pcse >>> from pcse.base import VariableKiosk, StatesTemplate >>> from pcse.traitlets import Float, Integer, Instance >>> from datetime import date >>> >>> k = VariableKiosk() >>> class StateVariables(StatesTemplate): ... StateA = Float() ... StateB = Integer() ... StateC = Instance(date) ... >>> s1 = StateVariables(k, StateA=0., StateB=78, StateC=date(2003,7,3), ... publish="StateC") >>> print s1.StateA, s1.StateB, s1.StateC 0.0 78 2003-07-03 >>> print k Contents of VariableKiosk: * Registered state variables: 3 * Published state variables: 1 with values: - variable StateC, value: 2003-07-03 * Registered rate variables: 0 * Published rate variables: 0 with values: >>> >>> s2 = StateVariables(k, StateA=200., StateB=1240) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "pcse/", line 396, in __init__ raise exc.PCSEError(msg) pcse.exceptions.PCSEError: Initial value for state StateC missing. """ _kiosk = Instance(VariableKiosk) _locked = Bool(False) _vartype = "S" def __init__(self, kiosk=None, publish=None, **kwargs): StatesRatesCommon.__init__(self, kiosk, publish) # set initial state value for attr in self._valid_vars: if attr in kwargs: value = kwargs.pop(attr) setattr(self, attr, value) else: msg = "Initial value for state %s missing." % attr raise exc.PCSEError(msg) # Check if kwargs is empty, otherwise issue a warning if len(kwargs) > 0: msg = ("Initial value given for unknown state variable(s): " + "%s") % kwargs.keys() logging.warn(msg) # Lock the object to prevent further changes at this stage. self._locked = True
[docs] def touch(self): """Re-assigns the value of each state variable, thereby updating its value in the variablekiosk if the variable is published.""" self.unlock() for name in self._valid_vars: value = getattr(self, name) setattr(self, name, value) self.lock()
class StatesWithImplicitRatesTemplate(StatesTemplate): """Container class for state variables that have an associated rate. The rates will be generated upon initialization having the same name as their states, prefixed by a lowercase character 'r'. After initialization no more attributes can be implicitly added. Call integrate() to integrate all states with their current rates; the rates are reset to 0.0. States are all attributes descending from Float and not prefixed by an underscore. """ rates = {} __initialized = False def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name in self.rates: # known attribute: set value: self.rates[name] = value elif not self.__initialized: # new attribute: allow whe not yet initialized: object.__setattr__(self, name, value) else: # new attribute: disallow according ancestorial ruls: super(StatesWithImplicitRatesTemplate, self).__setattr__(name, value) def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self.rates: return self.rates[name] else: object.__getattribute__(self, name) def initialize_rates(self): self.rates = {} self.__initialized = True for s in self.__class__.listIntegratedStates(): self.rates['r' + s] = 0.0 def integrate(self, delta): # integrate all: for s in self.listIntegratedStates(): rate = getattr(self, 'r' + s) state = getattr(self, s) newvalue = state + delta * rate setattr(self, s, newvalue) # reset all rates for r in self.rates: self.rates[r] = 0.0 @classmethod def listIntegratedStates(cls): return sorted([a for a in cls.__dict__ if isinstance(getattr(cls, a), Float) and not a.startswith('_')]) @classmethod def initialValues(cls): return dict((a, 0.0) for a in cls.__dict__ if isinstance(getattr(cls, a), Float) and not a.startswith('_'))
[docs]class RatesTemplate(StatesRatesCommon): """Takes care of registering variables in the kiosk and monitoring assignments to variables that are published. :param kiosk: Instance of the VariableKiosk class. All rate variables will be registered in the kiosk in order to enfore that variable names are unique across the model. Moreover, the value of variables that are published will be available through the VariableKiosk. :param publish: Lists the variables whose values need to be published in the VariableKiosk. Can be omitted if no variables need to be published. For an example see the `StatesTemplate`. The only difference is that the initial value of rate variables does not need to be specified because the value will be set to zero (Int, Float variables) or False (Boolean variables). """ _rate_vars_zero = Instance(dict) _vartype = "R" def __init__(self, kiosk=None, publish=None): """Set up the RatesTemplate and set monitoring on variables that have to be published. """ StatesRatesCommon.__init__(self, kiosk, publish) # Determine the zero value for all rate variable if possible self._rate_vars_zero = self._find_rate_zero_values() # Initialize all rate variables to zero or False self.zerofy() # Lock the object to prevent further changes at this stage. self._locked = True def _find_rate_zero_values(self): """Returns a dict with the names with the valid rate variables names as keys and the values are the zero values used by the zerofy() method. This means 0 for Int, 0.0 for Float en False for Bool. """ # Define the zero value for Float, Int and Bool zero_value = {Bool: False, Int: 0, Float: 0.} d = {} for name, value in self.traits().items(): if name not in self._valid_vars: continue try: d[name] = zero_value[value.__class__] except KeyError: msg = ("Rate variable '%s' not of type Float, Bool or Int. " + "Its zero value cannot be determined and it will " + "not be treated by zerofy().") % name self.logger.warning(msg) return d
[docs] def zerofy(self): """Sets the values of all rate values to zero (Int, Float) or False (Boolean). """ self._trait_values.update(self._rate_vars_zero)