Source code for pcse.crop.leaf_dynamics

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Alterra, Wageningen-UR
# Allard de Wit (, April 2014
from math import exp
from collections import deque
from array import array

from ..traitlets import Float, Int, Instance, AfgenTrait
from ..decorators import prepare_rates, prepare_states
from ..util import limit
from ..base_classes import ParamTemplate, StatesTemplate, RatesTemplate, \
from .. import signals

[docs]class WOFOST_Leaf_Dynamics(SimulationObject): """Leaf dynamics for the WOFOST crop model. Implementation of biomass partitioning to leaves, growth and senenscence of leaves. WOFOST keeps track of the biomass that has been partitioned to the leaves for each day (variable `LV`), which is called a leaf class). For each leaf class the leaf age (variable 'LVAGE') and specific leaf area (variable `SLA`) are also registered. Total living leaf biomass is calculated by summing the biomass values for all leaf classes. Similarly, leaf area is calculated by summing leaf biomass times specific leaf area (`LV` * `SLA`). Senescense of the leaves can occur as a result of physiological age, drought stress or self-shading. *Simulation parameters* (provide in cropdata dictionary) ======= ============================================= ======= ============ Name Description Type Unit ======= ============================================= ======= ============ RGRLAI Maximum relative increase in LAI. SCr ha ha-1 d-1 SPAN Life span of leaves growing at 35 Celsius SCr |d| TBASE Lower threshold temp. for ageing of leaves SCr |C| PERDL Max. relative death rate of leaves due to SCr water stress TDWI Initial total crop dry weight SCr |kg ha-1| KDIFTB Extinction coefficient for diffuse visible TCr light as function of DVS SLATB Specific leaf area as a function of DVS TCr |ha kg-1| ======= ============================================= ======= ============ *State variables* ======= ================================================= ==== ============ Name Description Pbl Unit ======= ================================================= ==== ============ LV Leaf biomass per leaf class N |kg ha-1| SLA Specific leaf area per leaf class N |ha kg-1| LVAGE Leaf age per leaf class N |d| LVSUM Sum of LV N |kg ha-1| LAIEM LAI at emergence N - LASUM Total leaf area as sum of LV*SLA, N - not including stem and pod area N LAIEXP LAI value under theoretical exponential growth N - LAIMAX Maximum LAI reached during growth cycle N - LAI Leaf area index, including stem and pod area Y - WLV Dry weight of living leaves Y |kg ha-1| DWLV Dry weight of dead leaves N |kg ha-1| TWLV Dry weight of total leaves (living + dead) Y |kg ha-1| ======= ================================================= ==== ============ *Rate variables* ======= ================================================= ==== ============ Name Description Pbl Unit ======= ================================================= ==== ============ GRLV Growth rate leaves N |kg ha-1 d-1| DSLV1 Death rate leaves due to water stress N |kg ha-1 d-1| DSLV2 Death rate leaves due to self-shading N |kg ha-1 d-1| DSLV3 Death rate leaves due to frost kill N |kg ha-1 d-1| DSLV Maximum of DLSV1, DSLV2, DSLV3 N |kg ha-1 d-1| DALV Death rate leaves due to aging. N |kg ha-1 d-1| DRLV Death rate leaves as a combination of DSLV and N |kg ha-1 d-1| DALV SLAT Specific leaf area for current time step, N |ha kg-1| adjusted for source/sink limited leaf expansion rate. FYSAGE Increase in physiological leaf age N - GLAIEX Sink-limited leaf expansion rate (exponential N |ha ha-1 d-1| curve) GLASOL Source-limited leaf expansion rate (biomass N |ha ha-1 d-1| increase) ======= ================================================= ==== ============ *External dependencies:* ======== ============================== =============================== =========== Name Description Provided by Unit ======== ============================== =============================== =========== DVS Crop development stage DVS_Phenology - FL Fraction biomass to leaves DVS_Partitioning - FR Fraction biomass to roots DVS_Partitioning - SAI Stem area index WOFOST_Stem_Dynamics - PAI Pod area index WOFOST_Storage_Organ_Dynamics - TRA Transpiration rate Evapotranspiration |cm day-1| TRAMX Maximum transpiration rate Evapotranspiration |cm day-1| ADMI Above-ground dry matter CropSimulation |kg ha-1 d-1| increase RF_FROST Reduction factor frost kill FROSTOL - ======== ============================== =============================== =========== """
[docs] class Parameters(ParamTemplate): RGRLAI = Float(-99.) SPAN = Float(-99.) TBASE = Float(-99.) PERDL = Float(-99.) TDWI = Float(-99.) SLATB = AfgenTrait() KDIFTB = AfgenTrait()
[docs] class StateVariables(StatesTemplate): LV = Instance(deque) SLA = Instance(deque) LVAGE = Instance(deque) LAIEM = Float(-99.) LASUM = Float(-99.) LAIEXP = Float(-99.) LAIMAX = Float(-99.) LAI = Float(-99.) WLV = Float(-99.) DWLV = Float(-99.) TWLV = Float(-99.)
[docs] class RateVariables(RatesTemplate): GRLV = Float(-99.) DSLV1 = Float(-99.) DSLV2 = Float(-99.) DSLV3 = Float(-99.) DSLV = Float(-99.) DALV = Float(-99.) DRLV = Float(-99.) SLAT = Float(-99.) FYSAGE = Float(-99.) GLAIEX = Float(-99.) GLASOL = Float(-99.)
[docs] def initialize(self, day, kiosk, parvalues): """ :param day: start date of the simulation :param kiosk: variable kiosk of this PCSE instance :param parvalues: `ParameterProvider` object providing parameters as key/value pairs """ self.kiosk = kiosk self.params = self.Parameters(parvalues) self.rates = self.RateVariables(kiosk) # CALCULATE INITIAL STATE VARIABLES params = self.params FL = self.kiosk["FL"] FR = self.kiosk["FR"] DVS = self.kiosk["DVS"] # Initial leaf biomass WLV = (params.TDWI * (1-FR)) * FL DWLV = 0. TWLV = WLV + DWLV # First leaf class (SLA, age and weight) SLA = deque([params.SLATB(DVS)]) LVAGE = deque([0.]) LV = deque([WLV]) # Initial values for leaf area LAIEM = LV[0] * SLA[0] LASUM = LAIEM LAIEXP = LAIEM LAIMAX = LAIEM LAI = LASUM + self.kiosk["SAI"] + self.kiosk["PAI"] # Initialize StateVariables object self.states = self.StateVariables(kiosk, publish=["LAI","TWLV","WLV"], LV=LV, SLA=SLA, LVAGE=LVAGE, LAIEM=LAIEM, LASUM=LASUM, LAIEXP=LAIEXP, LAIMAX=LAIMAX, LAI=LAI, WLV=WLV, DWLV=DWLV, TWLV=TWLV)
def _calc_LAI(self): # Total leaf area Index as sum of leaf, pod and stem area SAI = self.kiosk["SAI"] PAI = self.kiosk["PAI"] return self.states.LASUM + SAI + PAI @prepare_rates def calc_rates(self, day, drv): r = self.rates s = self.states p = self.params k = self.kiosk # Growth rate leaves # weight of new leaves r.GRLV = k.ADMI * k.FL # death of leaves due to water/oxygen stress r.DSLV1 = s.WLV * (1. - k.RFTRA) * p.PERDL # death due to self shading cause by high LAI DVS = self.kiosk["DVS"] LAICR = 3.2/p.KDIFTB(DVS) r.DSLV2 = s.WLV * limit(0., 0.03, 0.03*(s.LAI-LAICR)/LAICR) # Death of leaves due to frost damage as determined by # Reduction Factor Frost "RF_FROST" if "RF_FROST" in self.kiosk: r.DSLV3 = s.WLV * k.RF_FROST else: r.DSLV3 = 0. # leaf death equals maximum of water stress, shading and frost r.DSLV = max(r.DSLV1, r.DSLV2, r.DSLV3) # Determine how much leaf biomass classes have to die in states.LV, # given the a life span > SPAN, these classes will be accumulated # in DALV. # Note that the actual leaf death is imposed on the array LV during the # state integration step. DALV = 0.0 for lv, lvage in zip(s.LV, s.LVAGE): if lvage > p.SPAN: DALV += lv r.DALV = DALV # Total death rate leaves r.DRLV = max(r.DSLV, r.DALV) # physiologic ageing of leaves per time step r.FYSAGE = max(0., (drv.TEMP - p.TBASE)/(35. - p.TBASE)) # specific leaf area of leaves per time step r.SLAT = p.SLATB(DVS) # leaf area not to exceed exponential growth curve if s.LAIEXP < 6.: DTEFF = max(0., drv.TEMP-p.TBASE) r.GLAIEX = s.LAIEXP * p.RGRLAI * DTEFF # source-limited increase in leaf area r.GLASOL = r.GRLV * r.SLAT # sink-limited increase in leaf area GLA = min(r.GLAIEX, r.GLASOL) # adjustment of specific leaf area of youngest leaf class if r.GRLV > 0.: r.SLAT = GLA/r.GRLV @prepare_states def integrate(self, day, delt=1.0): params = self.params rates = self.rates states = self.states # --------- leave death --------- tLV = array('d', states.LV) tSLA = array('d', states.SLA) tLVAGE = array('d', states.LVAGE) tDRLV = rates.DRLV # leaf death is imposed on leaves by removing leave classes from the # right side of the deque. for LVweigth in reversed(states.LV): if tDRLV > 0.: if tDRLV >= LVweigth: # remove complete leaf class from deque tDRLV -= LVweigth tLV.pop() tLVAGE.pop() tSLA.pop() else: # Decrease value of oldest (rightmost) leave class tLV[-1] -= tDRLV tDRLV = 0. else: break # Integration of physiological age tLVAGE = deque([age + rates.FYSAGE for age in tLVAGE]) tLV = deque(tLV) tSLA = deque(tSLA) # --------- leave growth --------- # new leaves in class 1 tLV.appendleft(rates.GRLV) tSLA.appendleft(rates.SLAT) tLVAGE.appendleft(0.) # calculation of new leaf area states.LASUM = sum([lv*sla for lv, sla in zip(tLV, tSLA)]) states.LAI = self._calc_LAI() states.LAIMAX = max(states.LAI, states.LAIMAX) # exponential growth curve states.LAIEXP += rates.GLAIEX # Update leaf biomass states states.WLV = sum(tLV) states.DWLV += rates.DRLV states.TWLV = states.WLV + states.DWLV # Store final leaf biomass deques self.states.LV = tLV self.states.SLA = tSLA self.states.LVAGE = tLVAGE @prepare_states def _set_variable_LAI(self, nLAI): """Updates the value of LAI to to the new value provided as input. Related state variables will be updated as well and the increments to all adjusted state variables will be returned as a dict. """ states = self.states # Store old values of states oWLV = states.WLV oLAI = states.LAI oTWLV = states.TWLV oLASUM = states.LASUM # Reduce oLAI for pod and stem area. SAI and PAI will not be adjusted # because this is often only a small component of the total leaf # area. For all current crop files in WOFOST SPA and SSA are zero # anyway SAI = self.kiosk["SAI"] PAI = self.kiosk["PAI"] adj_nLAI = max(nLAI - SAI - PAI, 0.) adj_oLAI = max(oLAI - SAI - PAI, 0.) # LAI Adjustment factor for leaf biomass LV (rLAI) if adj_oLAI > 0: rLAI = adj_nLAI/adj_oLAI LV = [lv*rLAI for lv in states.LV] # If adj_oLAI == 0 then add the leave biomass directly to the # youngest leave age class (LV[0]) else: LV = [nLAI/states.SLA[0]] states.LASUM = sum([lv*sla for lv, sla in zip(LV, states.SLA)]) states.LV = deque(LV) states.LAI = self._calc_LAI() states.WLV = sum(states.LV) states.TWLV = states.WLV + states.DWLV increments = {"LAI": states.LAI - oLAI, "LAISUM":states.LASUM - oLASUM, "WLV": states.WLV - oWLV, "TWLV": states.TWLV - oTWLV} return increments
class CSDM_Leaf_Dynamics(SimulationObject): """Leaf dynamics according to the Canopy Structure Dynamic Model. The only difference is that in the real CSDM the temperature sum is the driving variable, while in this case it is simply the day number since \ the start of the model. Reference: Koetz et al. 2005. Use of coupled canopy structure dynamic and radiative transfer models to estimate biophysical canopy characteristics. Remote Sensing of Environment. Volume 95, Issue 1, 15 March 2005, Pages 115-124. """ class Parameters(ParamTemplate): CSDM_MAX = Float() CSDM_MIN = Float() CSDM_A = Float() CSDM_B = Float() CSDM_T1 = Float() CSDM_T2 = Float() class StateVariable(StatesTemplate): LAI = Float() DAYNR = Int() LAIMAX = Float() def _CSDM(self, daynr): """Returns the LAI value depending on the day number (daynr) and the parameters of the CSDM model. """ p = self.params LAI_growth = 1./(1. + exp(-p.CSDM_B*(daynr - p.CSDM_T1)))**2 LAI_senescence = -exp(p.CSDM_A*(daynr - p.CSDM_T2)) LAI = p.CSDM_MIN + p.CSDM_MAX*(LAI_growth + LAI_senescence) # do not allow LAI lower then CSDM_MIN if LAI < p.CSDM_MIN: msg = ("LAI of CSDM model smaller then lower LAI limit "+ "(CSDM_MIN)! Adjusting LAI to CSDM_MIN.") self.logger.warn(msg) LAI = max(p.CSDM_MIN, LAI) return LAI def initialize(self, day, kiosk, parvalues): """ :param day: start date of the simulation :param kiosk: variable kiosk of this PCSE instance :param parvalues: `ParameterProvider` object providing parameters as key/value pairs """ self.params = self.Parameters(parvalues) # calculate LAI on day 1 from CSDM LAI = self._CSDM(1) self.states = self.StateVariable(kiosk, LAI=LAI, DAYNR=1, LAIMAX=self.params.CSDM_MIN, publish="LAI") @prepare_rates def calc_rates(self, day, drv): pass @prepare_states def integrate(self, day, delt=1.0): self.states.DAYNR += 1 self.states.LAI = self._CSDM(self.states.DAYNR) if self.states.LAI > self.states.LAIMAX: self.states.LAIMAX = self.states.LAI if self.states.DAYNR > self.params.CSDM_T2: self._send_signal(signal=signals.crop_finish, day=day, finish_type="Canopy died according to CSDM leaf model.", crop_delete=True) class WOFOST_Leaf_Dynamics_NPK(SimulationObject): """Leaf dynamics for the WOFOST crop model including leaf response to NPK stress. Implementation of biomass partitioning to leaves, growth and senenscence of leaves. WOFOST keeps track of the biomass that has been partitioned to the leaves for each day (variable `LV`), which is called a leaf class). For each leaf class the leaf age (variable 'LVAGE') and specific leaf area are (variable `SLA`) are also registered. Total living leaf biomass is calculated by summing the biomass values for all leaf classes. Similarly, leaf area is calculated by summing leaf biomass times specific leaf area (`LV` * `SLA`). Senescense of the leaves can occur as a result of physiological age, drought stress, nutrient stress or self-shading. Finally, leaf expansion (SLA) can be influenced by nutrient stress. *Simulation parameters* (provide in cropdata dictionary) ======= ============================================= ======= ============ Name Description Type Unit ======= ============================================= ======= ============ RGRLAI Maximum relative increase in LAI. SCr ha ha-1 d-1 SPAN Life span of leaves growing at 35 Celsius SCr |d| TBASE Lower threshold temp. for ageing of leaves SCr |C| PERDL Max. relative death rate of leaves due to SCr water stress TDWI Initial total crop dry weight SCr |kg ha-1| KDIFTB Extinction coefficient for diffuse visible TCr light as function of DVS SLATB Specific leaf area as a function of DVS TCr |ha kg-1| RDRNS max. relative death rate of leaves due to TCr - nutrient NPK stress NLAI coefficient for the reduction due to TCr - nutrient NPK stress of the LAI increase (during juvenile phase). NSLA Coefficient for the effect of nutrient NPK TCr - stress on SLA reduction RDRNS Max. relative death rate of leaves due to TCr - nutrient NPK stress ======= ============================================= ======= ============ *State variables* ======= ================================================= ==== ============ Name Description Pbl Unit ======= ================================================= ==== ============ LV Leaf biomass per leaf class N |kg ha-1| SLA Specific leaf area per leaf class N |ha kg-1| LVAGE Leaf age per leaf class N |d| LVSUM Sum of LV N |kg ha-1| LAIEM LAI at emergence N - LASUM Total leaf area as sum of LV*SLA, N - not including stem and pod area N LAIEXP LAI value under theoretical exponential growth N - LAIMAX Maximum LAI reached during growth cycle N - LAI Leaf area index, including stem and pod area Y - WLV Dry weight of living leaves Y |kg ha-1| DWLV Dry weight of dead leaves N |kg ha-1| TWLV Dry weight of total leaves (living + dead) Y |kg ha-1| ======= ================================================= ==== ============ *Rate variables* ======= ================================================= ==== ============ Name Description Pbl Unit ======= ================================================= ==== ============ GRLV Growth rate leaves N |kg ha-1 d-1| DSLV1 Death rate leaves due to water stress N |kg ha-1 d-1| DSLV2 Death rate leaves due to self-shading N |kg ha-1 d-1| DSLV3 Death rate leaves due to frost kill N |kg ha-1 d-1| DSLV4 Death rate leaves due to nutrient stress N |kg ha-1 d-1| DSLV Maximum of DLSV1, DSLV2, DSLV3 N |kg ha-1 d-1| DALV Death rate leaves due to aging. N |kg ha-1 d-1| DRLV Death rate leaves as a combination of DSLV and N |kg ha-1 d-1| DALV SLAT Specific leaf area for current time step, N |ha kg-1| adjusted for source/sink limited leaf expansion rate. FYSAGE Increase in physiological leaf age N - GLAIEX Sink-limited leaf expansion rate (exponential N |ha ha-1 d-1| curve) GLASOL Source-limited leaf expansion rate (biomass N |ha ha-1 d-1| increase) ======= ================================================= ==== ============ *External dependencies:* ======== ============================== =============================== =========== Name Description Provided by Unit ======== ============================== =============================== =========== DVS Crop development stage DVS_Phenology - FL Fraction biomass to leaves DVS_Partitioning - FR Fraction biomass to roots DVS_Partitioning - SAI Stem area index WOFOST_Stem_Dynamics - PAI Pod area index WOFOST_Storage_Organ_Dynamics - TRA Transpiration rate Evapotranspiration |cm day-1| TRAMX Maximum transpiration rate Evapotranspiration |cm day-1| ADMI Above-ground dry matter CropSimulation |kg ha-1 d-1| increase RF_FROST Reduction factor frost kill FROSTOL - ======== ============================== =============================== =========== """ class Parameters(ParamTemplate): RGRLAI = Float(-99.) SPAN = Float(-99.) TBASE = Float(-99.) PERDL = Float(-99.) TDWI = Float(-99.) SLATB = AfgenTrait() KDIFTB = AfgenTrait() RDRLV_NPK = Float(-99.) # max. relative death rate of leaves due to nutrient NPK stress NSLA_NPK = Float(-99.) # coefficient for the effect of nutrient NPK stress on SLA reduction NLAI_NPK = Float(-99.) # coefficient for the reduction due to nutrient NPK stress of the # LAI increase (during juvenile phase) class StateVariables(StatesTemplate): LV = Instance(deque) SLA = Instance(deque) LVAGE = Instance(deque) LAIEM = Float(-99.) LASUM = Float(-99.) LAIEXP = Float(-99.) LAIMAX = Float(-99.) LAI = Float(-99.) WLV = Float(-99.) DWLV = Float(-99.) TWLV = Float(-99.) class RateVariables(RatesTemplate): GRLV = Float(-99.) DSLV1 = Float(-99.) DSLV2 = Float(-99.) DSLV3 = Float(-99.) DSLV4 = Float(-99.) DSLV = Float(-99.) DALV = Float(-99.) DRLV = Float(-99.) SLAT = Float(-99.) FYSAGE = Float(-99.) GLAIEX = Float(-99.) GLASOL = Float(-99.) def initialize(self, day, kiosk, cropdata): """ :param day: start date of the simulation :param kiosk: variable kiosk of this PCSE instance :param cropdata: dictionary with WOFOST cropdata key/value pairs """ self.kiosk = kiosk self.params = self.Parameters(cropdata) self.rates = self.RateVariables(kiosk,publish=["DRLV"]) # CALCULATE INITIAL STATE VARIABLES p = self.params k = self.kiosk # Initial leaf biomass WLV = (p.TDWI * (1-k.FR)) * k.FL DWLV = 0. TWLV = WLV + DWLV # First leaf class (SLA, age and weight) SLA = deque([p.SLATB(k.DVS)]) LVAGE = deque([0.]) LV = deque([WLV]) # Initial values for leaf area LAIEM = LV[0] * SLA[0] LASUM = LAIEM LAIEXP = LAIEM LAIMAX = LAIEM LAI = LASUM + k.SAI + k.PAI # Initialize StateVariables object self.states = self.StateVariables(kiosk, publish=["LAI", "TWLV", "WLV"], LV=LV, SLA=SLA, LVAGE=LVAGE, LAIEM=LAIEM, LASUM=LASUM, LAIEXP=LAIEXP, LAIMAX=LAIMAX, LAI=LAI, WLV=WLV, DWLV=DWLV, TWLV=TWLV) def _calc_LAI(self): # Total leaf area Index as sum of leaf, pod and stem area k = self.kiosk return self.states.LASUM + k.SAI + k.PAI @prepare_rates def calc_rates(self, day, drv): r = self.rates s = self.states p = self.params k = self.kiosk # Growth rate leaves # weight of new leaves r.GRLV = k.ADMI * k.FL # death of leaves due to water/oxygen stress r.DSLV1 = s.WLV * (1.-k.RFTRA) * p.PERDL # death due to self shading cause by high LAI LAICR = 3.2/p.KDIFTB(k.DVS) r.DSLV2 = s.WLV * limit(0., 0.03, 0.03*(s.LAI-LAICR)/LAICR) # Death of leaves due to frost damage as determined by # Reduction Factor Frost "RF_FROST" if "RF_FROST" in self.kiosk: r.DSLV3 = s.WLV * k.RF_FROST else: r.DSLV3 = 0. # added IS # Extra death rate due to nutrient stress # has to be added to rates.DSLV r.DSLV4 = s.WLV * p.RDRLV_NPK * (1.0 - self.kiosk["NPKI"]) # added IS # leaf death equals maximum of water stress, shading and frost r.DSLV = max(r.DSLV1, r.DSLV2, r.DSLV3) + r.DSLV4 # Determine how much leaf biomass classes have to die in states.LV, # given the a life span > SPAN, these classes will be accumulated # in DALV. # Note that the actual leaf death is imposed on the array LV during the # state integration step. DALV = 0.0 for lv, lvage in zip(s.LV, s.LVAGE): if lvage > p.SPAN: DALV += lv r.DALV = DALV # Total death rate leaves r.DRLV = max(r.DSLV, r.DALV) # physiologic ageing of leaves per time step r.FYSAGE = max(0., (drv.TEMP - p.TBASE)/(35. - p.TBASE)) # added IS # correction SLA due to nutrient stress sla_npk_factor = exp(-p.NSLA_NPK * (1.0 - k.NPKI)) # specific leaf area of leaves per time step r.SLAT = p.SLATB(k.DVS) * sla_npk_factor # leaf area not to exceed exponential growth curve if s.LAIEXP < 6.: DTEFF = max(0., drv.TEMP-p.TBASE) # added IS # Nutrient and water stress during juvenile stage: if k.DVS < 0.2 and s.LAI < 0.75: factor = k.RFTRA * exp(-p.NLAI_NPK * (1.0 - k.NPKI)) else: factor = 1. r.GLAIEX = s.LAIEXP * p.RGRLAI * DTEFF * factor # source-limited increase in leaf area r.GLASOL = r.GRLV * r.SLAT # sink-limited increase in leaf area GLA = min(r.GLAIEX, r.GLASOL) # adjustment of specific leaf area of youngest leaf class if r.GRLV > 0.: r.SLAT = GLA/r.GRLV @prepare_states def integrate(self, day, delt=1.0): p = self.params r = self.rates s = self.states # --------- leave death --------- tLV = array('d', s.LV) tSLA = array('d', s.SLA) tLVAGE = array('d', s.LVAGE) tDRLV = r.DRLV # leaf death is imposed on leaves by removing leave classes from the # right side of the deque. for LVweigth in reversed(s.LV): if tDRLV > 0.: if tDRLV >= LVweigth: # remove complete leaf class from deque tDRLV -= LVweigth tLV.pop() tLVAGE.pop() tSLA.pop() else: # Decrease value of oldest (rightmost) leave class tLV[-1] -= tDRLV tDRLV = 0. else: break # Integration of physiological age tLVAGE = deque([age + r.FYSAGE for age in tLVAGE]) tLV = deque(tLV) tSLA = deque(tSLA) # --------- leave growth --------- # new leaves in class 1 tLV.appendleft(r.GRLV) tSLA.appendleft(r.SLAT) tLVAGE.appendleft(0.) # calculation of new leaf area s.LASUM = sum([lv*sla for lv, sla in zip(tLV, tSLA)]) s.LAI = self._calc_LAI() s.LAIMAX = max(s.LAI, s.LAIMAX) # exponential growth curve s.LAIEXP += r.GLAIEX # Update leaf biomass states s.WLV = sum(tLV) s.DWLV += r.DRLV s.TWLV = s.WLV + s.DWLV # Store final leaf biomass deques self.states.LV = tLV self.states.SLA = tSLA self.states.LVAGE = tLVAGE