Getting started

This guide will help you install PCSE as well as provide some examples to get you started with modelling. The examples are currently focused on applying the WOFOST and LINTUL3 crop simulation models, although other crop simulations may become available within PCSE in the future.

An interactive PCSE/WOFOST session

The easiest way to demonstrate PCSE is to import WOFOST from PCSE and run it from an interactive Python session. We will be using the start_wofost() script that connects to a the demo database which contains meteorologic data, soil data, crop data and management data for a grid location in South-Spain.

Initializing PCSE/WOFOST and advancing model state

Let’s start a WOFOST object for modelling winter-wheat (crop=1) on a location in South-Spain (grid 31031) for the year 2000 under water-limited conditions for a freely draining soil (mode=’wlp’):

>>> wofost_object = pcse.start_wofost(grid=31031, crop=1, year=2000, mode='wlp')
>>> type(wofost_object)
<class 'pcse.models.Wofost71_WLP_FD'>

You have just successfully initialized a PCSE/WOFOST object in the Python interpreter, which is in its initial state and waiting to do some simulation. We can now advance the model state for example with 1 day:


Advancing the crop simulation with only 1 day, is often not so useful so the number of days to simulate can be specified as well:


Getting information about state and rate variables

Retrieving information about the calculated model states or rates can be done with the get_variable() method on a PCSE object. For example, to retrieve the leaf area index value in the current model state you can do:

>>> wofost_object.get_variable('LAI')
>>> wofost_object.get_variable('LAI')

Showing that after 11 days the LAI value is 0.287. When we increase time with another 25 days, the LAI increases to 1.528. The get_variable method can retrieve any state or rate variable that is defined somewhere in the model. Finally, we can finish the crop season by letting it run until the model terminates because the crop reaches maturity or the harvest date:

>>> wofost_object.run_till_terminate()

Next we retrieve the simulation results at each time-step (‘output’) of the simulation:

>>> output = wofost_object.get_output()

We can now use the pandas package to turn the simulation output into a dataframe which is much easier to handle and can be exported to different file types. For example an excel file which should look like this downloads/wofost_results.xls:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(output)
>>> df.to_excel("wofost_results.xls")

Finally, we can retrieve the results at the end of the crop cycle (summary results) and have a look at these as well:

>>> summary_output = wofost_object.get_summary_output()
>>> msg = "Reached maturity at {DOM} with total biomass {TAGP} kg/ha "\
"and a yield of {TWSO} kg/ha."
>>> print(msg.format(**summary_output[0])
Reached maturity at 2000-05-31 with total biomass 15261.7521735 kg/ha and a yield of 7179.80460783 kg/ha.

>>> summary_output
[{'CTRAT': 22.457536342947606,
  'DOA':, 3, 28),
  'DOE':, 1, 1),
  'DOH': None,
  'DOM':, 5, 31),
  'DOS': None,
  'DOV': None,
  'DVS': 2.01745939841335,
  'LAIMAX': 6.132711275237731,
  'RD': 60.0,
  'TAGP': 15261.752173534584,
  'TWLV': 3029.3693107257263,
  'TWRT': 1546.990661062695,
  'TWSO': 7179.8046078262705,
  'TWST': 5052.578254982587}]

Running PCSE/WOFOST with custom input data

For running PCSE/WOFOST (and PCSE models in general) with your own data sources you need three different types of inputs:

  1. Model parameters that parameterize the different model components. These parameters usually consist of a set of crop parameters (or multiple sets in case of crop rotations), a set of soil parameters and a set of site parameters. The latter provide ancillary parameters that are specific for a location.
  2. Driving variables represented by weather data which can be derived from various sources.
  3. Agromanagement actions which specify the farm activities that will take place on the field that is simulated by PCSE.

For the second example we will run a simulation for sugar beet in Wageningen (Netherlands) and we will read the input data step by step from several different sources instead of using the pre-configured start_wofost() script. For the example we will assume that data files are in the directory D:\userdata\pcse_examples and all the parameter files needed can be found by unpacking this zip file downloads/

First we will import the necessary modules and define the data directory:

>>> import os
>>> import pcse
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> data_dir = r'D:\userdata\pcse_examples'

Crop parameters

The crop parameters consist of parameter names and the corresponding parameter values that are needed to parameterize the components of the crop simulation model. These are crop-specific values regarding phenology, assimilation, respiration, biomass partitioning, etc. The parameter file for sugar beet is taken from the crop files in the WOFOST Control Centre.

The crop parameters for many models in Wageningen are often provided in the CABO format that could be read with the TTUTIL FORTRAN library. PCSE tries to be backward compatible as much as possible and provides the CABOFileReader for reading parameter files in CABO format. the CABOFileReader returns a dictionary with the parameter name/value pairs:

>>> from pcse.fileinput import CABOFileReader
>>> cropfile = os.path.join(data_dir, 'sug0601.crop')
>>> cropdata = CABOFileReader(cropfile)
>>> print(cropdata)

Printing the cropdata dictionary gives you a listing of the header and all parameters and their values.

Soil parameters

The soildata dictionary provides the parameter name/value pairs related to the soil type and soil physical properties. The number of parameters is variable depending on the soil water balance type that is used for the simulation. For this example, we will use the water balance for freely draining soils and use the soil file for medium fine sand: ec3.soil. This file is also taken from the soil files in the WOFOST Control Centre

>>> soilfile = os.path.join(data_dir, 'ec3.soil')
>>> soildata = CABOFileReader(soilfile)

Site parameters

The site parameters provide ancillary parameters that are not related to the crop or the soil. Examples are the initial conditions of the water balance such as the initial soil moisture content (WAV) and the initial and maximum surface storage (SSI, SSMAX). Also the atmospheric CO2 concentration is a typical site parameter. For the moment, we can define these parameters directly on the Python commandline as a simple python dictionary. However, it is more convenient to use the WOFOST71SiteDataProvider that documents the site parameters and provides sensible defaults:

>>> from pcse.util import WOFOST71SiteDataProvider
>>> sitedata = WOFOST71SiteDataProvider(WAV=100, CO2=360)
>>> print(sitedata)
{'SMLIM': 0.4, 'NOTINF': 0, 'CO2': 360.0, 'SSI': 0.0, 'SSMAX': 0.0, 'IFUNRN': 0, 'WAV': 100.0}

Finally, we need to pack the different sets of parameters into one variable using the ParameterProvider. This is needed because PCSE expects one variable that contains all parameter values. Using this approach has the additional advantage that parameters value can be easily overridden in case of running multiple simulations with slightly different parameter values:

>>> from pcse.base_classes import ParameterProvider
>>> parameters = ParameterProvider(cropdata=cropdata, soildata=soildata, sitedata=sitedata)


The agromanagement inputs provide the start date of the agricultural campaign, the start_date/start_type of the crop simulation, the end_date/end_type of the crop simulation and the maximum duration of the crop simulation. The latter is included to avoid unrealistically long simulations for example as a results of a too high temperature sum requirement.

The agromanagement inputs are defined with a special syntax called YAML which allows to easily create more complex structures which is needed for defining the agromanagement. The agromanagement file for sugar beet in Wageningen sugarbeet_calendar.agmt can be read with the YAMLAgroManagementReader:

>>> from pcse.fileinput import YAMLAgroManagementReader
>>> agromanagement_file = os.path.join(data_dir, 'sugarbeet_calendar.amgt')
>>> agromanagement = YAMLAgroManagementReader(agromanagement_file)
>>> print(agromanagement)
 - 2000-01-01:
       crop_name: sugarbeet
       variety_name: sugar_beet_601
       crop_start_date: 2000-04-05
       crop_start_type: emergence
       crop_end_date: 2000-10-20
       crop_end_type: harvest
       max_duration: 300
     StateEvents: null
     TimedEvents: null

Daily weather observations

Daily weather variables are needed for running the simulation. There are several data providers in PCSE for reading weather data, see the section on weather data providers to get an overview.

For this example we will use the weather data from the NASA Power database which provides global weather data with a spatial resolution of 1 degree (~100 km). We will retrieve the data from the Power database for the location of Wageningen. Note that it can take around 30 seconds to retrieve the weather data from the NASA Power server the first time:

>>> from pcse.db import NASAPowerWeatherDataProvider
>>> wdp = NASAPowerWeatherDataProvider(latitude=52, longitude=5)
>>> print(wdp)
Weather data provided by: NASAPowerWeatherDataProvider
NASA/POWER Agroclimatology Daily Averaged Data
Dates (month/day/year): 01/01/1984 through 06/26/2016
Location: Latitude 52   Longitude 5
Location clarification: Integer values may indicate the lower left (south and west) corner of the one degree lat/lon reg
ion that includes the requested locations
Elevation (meters): Average for one degree lat/lon region = 5
Methodology Documentation:
*Vegetation type: "Airport": flat rough grass
----Site characteristics----
Elevation:    5.0
Latitude:  52.000
Longitude:  5.000
Data available for 1997-01-01 - 2015-10-31
Number of missing days: 53

Importing, initializing and running a PCSE model

Internally, PCSE uses a simulation engine to run a crop simulation. This engine takes a configuration file that specifies the components for the crop, the soil and the agromanagement that need to be used for the simulation. So any PCSE model can be started by importing the engine and initializing it with a given configuration file and the corresponding parameters, weather data and agromanagement.

However, as many users of PCSE only need a particular configuration (for example the WOFOST model for potential production), preconfigured Engines are provided in pcse.models. For the sugarbeet example we will import the WOFOST model for water-limited simulation under freely draining soil conditions:

>>> from pcse.models import Wofost71_WLP_FD
>>> wofsim = Wofost71_WLP_FD(parameters, wdp, agromanagement)

We can then run the simulation and show some final results such as the anthesis and harvest dates (DOA, DOH), total biomass (TAGP) and maximum LAI (LAIMAX). Next, we retrieve the time series of daily simulation output using the get_output() method on the WOFOST object:

>>> wofsim.run_till_terminate()
>>> output = wofsim.get_output()
>>> len(output)

As the output is returned as a list of dictionaries, we need to unpack these variables from the list of output:

>>> varnames = ["day", "DVS", "TAGP", "LAI", "SM"]
>>> tmp = {}
>>> for var in varnames:
>>>     tmp[var] = [t[var] for t in output]

Finally, we can generate some figures of WOFOST variables such as the development (DVS), total biomass (TAGP), leaf area index (LAI) and root-zone soil moisture (SM) using the MatPlotLib plotting package:

>>> day = tmp.pop("day")
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(10,8))
>>> for var, ax in zip(["DVS", "TAGP", "LAI", "SM"], axes.flatten()):
>>>     ax.plot_date(day, tmp[var], 'b-')
>>>     ax.set_title(var)
>>> fig.autofmt_xdate()
>>> fig.savefig('sugarbeet.png')

This should generate a figure of the simulation results as shown below. The complete Python script for this examples can be downloaded here downloads/


Running a simulation with PCSE/LINTUL3

The LINTUL model (Light INTerception and UtiLisation) is a simple generic crop model, which simulates dry matter production as the result of light interception and utilization with a constant light use efficiency. In PCSE the LINTUL family of models has been implemented including the LINTUL3 model which is used for simulation of crop production under water-limited and nitrogen-limited conditions.

For the third example, we will use LINTUL3 for simulating spring-wheat in the Netherlands under water-limited and nitrogen-limited conditions. We will again assume that data files are in the directory D:\userdata\pcse_examples and all the parameter files needed can be found by unpacking this zip file downloads/ Note that this guide is also available as an IPython notebook: downloads/running_LINTUL3.ipynb.

First we will import the necessary modules and define the data directory. We also assume that you have the matplotlib, pandas and PyYAML packages installed on your system.:

>>> import os
>>> import pcse
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import yaml
>>> data_dir = r'D:\userdata\pcse_examples'

Similar to the previous example, for running the PCSE/LINTUL3 model we need to define the tree types of inputs (parameters, weather data and agromanagement).

Reading model parameters

Model parameters can be easily read from the input files using the PCSEFileReader as we have seen in the previous example:

>>> from pcse.fileinput import PCSEFileReader
>>> crop = PCSEFileReader(os.path.join(data_dir, "lintul3_springwheat.crop"))
>>> soil = PCSEFileReader(os.path.join(data_dir, "lintul3_springwheat.soil"))
>>> site = PCSEFileReader(os.path.join(data_dir, ""))

However, PCSE models expect a single set of parameters and therefore they need to be combined using the ParameterProvider:

>>> from pcse.base_classes import ParameterProvider
>>> parameterprovider = ParameterProvider(soildata=soil, cropdata=crop, sitedata=site)

Reading weather data

For reading weather data we will use the ExcelWeatherDataProvider. This WeatherDataProvider uses nearly the same file format as is used for the CABO weather files but stores its data in an MicroSoft Excel file which makes the weather files easier to create and update:

>>> from pcse.fileinput import ExcelWeatherDataProvider
>>> weatherdataprovider = ExcelWeatherDataProvider(os.path.join(data_dir, "nl1.xlsx"))
>>> print(weatherdataprovider)
Weather data provided by: ExcelWeatherDataProvider
Weather data for:
Country: Netherlands
Station: Wageningen, Location Haarweg
Description: Observed data from Station Haarweg in Wageningen
Source: Meteorology and Air Quality Group, Wageningen University
Contact: Peter Uithol
----Site characteristics----
Elevation:    7.0
Latitude:  51.970
Longitude:  5.670
Data available for 2004-01-02 - 2008-12-31
Number of missing days: 32

Defining agromanagement

Defining agromanagement needs a bit more explanation because agromanagement is a relatively complex piece of PCSE. The agromanagement definition for PCSE is written in a format called YAML and for the current example looks like this:

Version: 1.0.0
- 2006-01-01:
        crop_name: wheat
        variety_name: spring-wheat
        crop_start_date: 2006-03-31
        crop_start_type: emergence
        crop_end_date: 2006-08-20
        crop_end_type: earliest
        max_duration: 300
    -   event_signal: apply_n
        name:  Nitrogen application table
        comment: All nitrogen amounts in g N m-2
        - 2006-04-10: {amount: 10, recovery: 0.7}
        - 2006-05-05: {amount:  5, recovery: 0.7}
    StateEvents: null

The agromanagement definition starts with Version: indicating the version number of the agromanagement file while the actual definition starts after the label AgroManagement:. Next a date must be provided which sets the start date of the campaign (and the start date of the simulation). Each campaign is defined by zero or one CropCalendars and zero or more TimedEvents and/or StateEvents. The CropCalendar defines the crop name, variety_name, date of sowing, date of harvesting, etc. while the Timed/StateEvents define actions that are either connected to a date or to a model state.

In the current example, the campaign starts on 2006-01-01, there is a crop calendar for spring-wheat starting on 2006-03-31 with a harvest date of 2006-08-20 or earlier if the crop reaches maturity before this date. Next there are timed events defined for applying N fertilizer at 2006-04-10 and 2006-05-05. The current example has no state events. For a thorough description of all possibilities see the section on AgroManagement in the Reference Guide (Chapter 3).

Loading the agromanagement definition must by done with the YAMLAgroManagementReader:

>>> from pcse.fileinput import YAMLAgroManagementReader
>>> agromanagement = YAMLAgroManagementReader(os.path.join(data_dir, "lintul3_springwheat.amgt"))
>>> print(agromanagement)
- 2006-01-01:
      crop_end_date: 2006-10-20
      crop_end_type: earliest
      crop_name: wheat
      variety_name: spring-wheat
      crop_start_date: 2006-03-31
      crop_start_type: emergence
      max_duration: 300
    StateEvents: null
    - comment: All nitrogen amounts in g N m-2
      event_signal: apply_n
      - 2006-04-10:
          amount: 10
          recovery: 0.7
      - 2006-05-05:
          amount: 5
          recovery: 0.7
      name: Nitrogen application table

Starting and running the LINTUL3 model

We have now all parameters, weather data and agromanagement information available to start the LINTUL3 model:

>>> from pcse.models import LINTUL3
>>> lintul3 = LINTUL3(parameterprovider, weatherdataprovider, agromanagement)
>>> lintul3.run_till_terminate()

Next, we can easily get the output from the model using the get_output() method and turn it into a pandas DataFrame:

>>> output = lintul3.get_output()
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(output).set_index("day")
>>> df.tail()
                 DVS       LAI     NUPTT       TAGBM     TGROWTH  TIRRIG  \
2006-07-28  1.931748  0.384372  4.705356  560.213626  626.053663       0
2006-07-29  1.953592  0.368403  4.705356  560.213626  626.053663       0
2006-07-30  1.974029  0.353715  4.705356  560.213626  626.053663       0
2006-07-31  1.995291  0.339133  4.705356  560.213626  626.053663       0
2006-08-01  2.014272  0.326169  4.705356  560.213626  626.053663       0

               TNSOIL  TRAIN  TRAN  TRANRF  TRUNOF      TTRAN        WC  \
2006-07-28  11.794644  375.4     0       0       0  71.142104  0.198576
2006-07-29  11.794644  376.3     0       0       0  71.142104  0.197346
2006-07-30  11.794644  376.3     0       0       0  71.142104  0.196293
2006-07-31  11.794644  381.6     0       0       0  71.142104  0.198484
2006-08-01  11.794644  381.7     0       0       0  71.142104  0.197384

                 WLVD       WLVG        WRT         WSO         WST
2006-07-28  88.548865  17.687197  16.649830  184.991591  268.985974
2006-07-29  89.284828  16.951234  16.150335  184.991591  268.985974
2006-07-30  89.962276  16.273785  15.665825  184.991591  268.985974
2006-07-31  90.635216  15.600845  15.195850  184.991591  268.985974
2006-08-01  91.233828  15.002234  14.739974  184.991591  268.985974

Finally, we can visualize the results from the pandas DataFrame with a few commands if your environment supports plotting:

>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=9, ncols=2, figsize=(16,40))
>>> for key, axis in zip(df.columns, axes.flatten()):
>>>     df[key].plot(ax=axis, title=key)
>>> fig.autofmt_xdate()
>>> fig.savefig(os.path.join(data_dir, "lintul3_springwheat.png"))