Source code for pcse.crop.assimilation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Alterra, Wageningen-UR
# Allard de Wit (, April 2014
"""SimulationObjects implementing |CO2| Assimilation for use with PCSE.
from __future__ import print_function
from math import sqrt, exp, cos, pi

from ..traitlets import Instance, Float, AfgenTrait

from ..util import limit, astro, doy
from ..base_classes import ParamTemplate, SimulationObject

    from ..futil import totass as ftotass
    from ..futil import astro as fastro
except ImportError as exc:
    ftotass = fastro = None

    """ This routine calculates the daily total gross CO2 assimilation by
    performing a Gaussian integration over time. At three different times of
    the day, irradiance is computed and used to calculate the instantaneous
    canopy assimilation, whereafter integration takes place. More information
    on this routine is given by Spitters et al. (1988).

    FORMAL PARAMETERS:  (I=input,O=output,C=control,IN=init,T=time)
    name   type meaning                                    units  class
    ----   ---- -------                                    -----  -----
    DAYL    R4  Astronomical daylength (base = 0 degrees)     h      I
    AMAX    R4  Assimilation rate at light saturation      kg CO2/   I
                                                          ha leaf/h
    EFF     R4  Initial light use efficiency              kg CO2/J/  I
                                                          ha/h m2 s
    LAI     R4  Leaf area index                             ha/ha    I
    KDIF    R4  Extinction coefficient for diffuse light             I
    AVRAD   R4  Daily shortwave radiation                  J m-2 d-1 I
    DIFPP   R4  Diffuse irradiation perpendicular to direction of
                light                                      J m-2 s-1 I
    DSINBE  R4  Daily total of effective solar height         s      I
    SINLD   R4  Seasonal offset of sine of solar height       -      I
    COSLD   R4  Amplitude of sine of solar height             -      I
    DTGA    R4  Daily total gross assimilation           kg CO2/ha/d O

    Authors: Daniel van Kraalingen
    Date   : April 1991

    Python version:
    Authors: Allard de Wit
    Date   : September 2011

    # Gauss points and weights
    XGAUSS = [0.1127017, 0.5000000, 0.8872983]
    WGAUSS = [0.2777778, 0.4444444, 0.2777778]

    # calculation of assimilation is done only when it will not be zero
    # (AMAX >0, LAI >0, DAYL >0)
    DTGA = 0.
    if (AMAX > 0. and LAI > 0. and DAYL > 0.):
        for i in range(3):
            HOUR   = 12.0+0.5*DAYL*XGAUSS[i]
            SINB   = max(0.,SINLD+COSLD*cos(2.*pi*(HOUR+12.)/24.))
            PAR    = 0.5*AVRAD*SINB*(1.+0.4*SINB)/DSINBE
            PARDIF = min(PAR,SINB*DIFPP)
            PARDIR = PAR-PARDIF
            DTGA += FGROS*WGAUSS[i]
    DTGA *= DAYL

    return DTGA

    """This routine calculates the gross CO2 assimilation rate of
    the whole crop, FGROS, by performing a Gaussian integration
    over depth in the crop canopy. At three different depths in
    the canopy, i.e. for different values of LAI, the
    assimilation rate is computed for given fluxes of photosynthe-
    tically active radiation, whereafter integration over depth
    takes place. More information on this routine is given by
    Spitters et al. (1988). The input variables SINB, PARDIR
    and PARDIF are calculated in routine TOTASS.

    Subroutines and functions called: none.
    Called by routine TOTASS.

    Author: D.W.G. van Kraalingen, 1986

    Python version:
    Allard de Wit, 2011
    # Gauss points and weights
    XGAUSS = [0.1127017, 0.5000000, 0.8872983]
    WGAUSS = [0.2777778, 0.4444444, 0.2777778]

    SCV = 0.2

    # 13.2 extinction coefficients KDIF, KDIRBL, KDIRT
    REFH = (1.-sqrt(1.-SCV))/(1.+sqrt(1.-SCV))
    REFS = REFH*2./(1.+1.6*SINB)
    KDIRBL = (0.5/SINB)*KDIF/(0.8*sqrt(1.-SCV))
    KDIRT = KDIRBL*sqrt(1.-SCV)

    #13.3 three-point Gaussian integration over LAI
    FGROS = 0.
    for i in range(3):
        LAIC = LAI*XGAUSS[i]
        # absorbed diffuse radiation (VISDF),light from direct
        # origine (VIST) and direct light (VISD)
        VISDF  = (1.-REFS)*PARDIF*KDIF  *exp(-KDIF  *LAIC)
        VIST   = (1.-REFS)*PARDIR*KDIRT *exp(-KDIRT *LAIC)
        VISD   = (1.-SCV) *PARDIR*KDIRBL*exp(-KDIRBL*LAIC)

        # absorbed flux in W/m2 for shaded leaves and assimilation
        FGRSH  = AMAX*(1.-exp(-VISSHD*EFF/max(2.0,AMAX)))

        # direct light absorbed by leaves perpendicular on direct
        # beam and assimilation of sunlit leaf area
        VISPP  = (1.-SCV)*PARDIR/SINB
        if (VISPP <= 0.):
            FGRSUN = FGRSH
            FGRSUN = AMAX*(1.-(AMAX-FGRSH) \
                     *(1.-exp(-VISPP*EFF/max(2.0,AMAX)))/ (EFF*VISPP))

        # fraction of sunlit leaf area (FSLLA) and local
        # assimilation rate (FGL)
        FSLLA  = exp(-KDIRBL*LAIC)

        # integration
        FGROS += FGL*WGAUSS[i]

    return FGROS

[docs]class WOFOST_Assimilation(SimulationObject): """Class implementing a WOFOST/SUCROS style assimilation routine. WOFOST calculates the daily gross |CO2| assimilation rate of a crop from the absorbed radiation and the photosynthesis-light response curve of individual leaves. This response is dependent on temperature and leaf age. The absorbed radiation is calculated from the total incoming radiation and the leaf area. Daily gross |CO2| assimilation is obtained by integrating the assimilation rates over the leaf layers and over the day. *Simulation parameters* ======= ============================================= ======= ============ Name Description Type Unit ======= ============================================= ======= ============ AMAXTB Max. leaf |CO2| assim. rate as a function of TCr |kg ha-1 hr-1| of DVS EFFTB Light use effic. single leaf as a function TCr |kg ha-1 hr-1 /(J m-2 s-1)| of daily mean temperature KDIFTB Extinction coefficient for diffuse visible TCr - as function of DVS TMPFTB Reduction factor of AMAX as function of TCr - daily mean temperature. TMNFTB Reduction factor of AMAX as function of TCr - daily minimum temperature. ======= ============================================= ======= ============ *State and rate variables* `WOFOST_Assimilation` has no state/rate variables, but calculates the rate of assimilation which is returned directly from the `__call__()` method. *Signals sent or handled* None *External dependencies:* ======= =================================== ================= ============ Name Description Provided by Unit ======= =================================== ================= ============ DVS Crop development stage DVS_Phenology - LAI Leaf area index Leaf_dynamics - ======= =================================== ================= ============ """ class Parameters(ParamTemplate): AMAXTB = AfgenTrait() EFFTB = AfgenTrait() KDIFTB = AfgenTrait() TMPFTB = AfgenTrait() TMNFTB = AfgenTrait()
[docs] def initialize(self, day, kiosk, parvalues): """ :param day: start date of the simulation :param kiosk: variable kiosk of this PCSE instance :param parvalues: `ParameterProvider` object providing parameters as key/value pairs :returns: the assimilation rate in |kg ha-1 d-1| using __call__() """ self.params = self.Parameters(parvalues) self.kiosk = kiosk
def __call__(self, day, drv): # Check if fortran versions can be used otherwise use native python if ftotass is not None: PGASS = self.___call__fortran(day, drv) else: PGASS = self.__call__python(day, drv) return PGASS def ___call__fortran(self, day, drv): """Calls fortran versions of ASTRO and TOTASS """ params = self.params # published states from the kiosk DVS = self.kiosk["DVS"] LAI = self.kiosk["LAI"] # 2.19 photoperiodic daylength IDAY = doy(day) DAYL, DAYLP, SINLD, COSLD, DIFPP, ATMTR, DSINBE = \ fastro(IDAY, drv.LAT, drv.IRRAD) # 2.20 daily dry matter production # gross assimilation and correction for sub-optimum # average day temperature AMAX = params.AMAXTB(DVS) AMAX *= params.TMPFTB(drv.DTEMP) KDIF = params.KDIFTB(DVS) EFF = params.EFFTB(drv.DTEMP) DTGA = ftotass(DAYL, AMAX, EFF, LAI, KDIF, drv.IRRAD, DIFPP, DSINBE, SINLD, COSLD) # correction for low minimum temperature potential # assimilation in kg CH2O per ha DTGA *= params.TMNFTB(drv.TMINRA) PGASS = DTGA * 30./44. return PGASS def __call__python(self, day, drv): params = self.params # published states from the kiosk DVS = self.kiosk["DVS"] LAI = self.kiosk["LAI"] # 2.19 photoperiodic daylength DAYL,DAYLP,SINLD,COSLD,DIFPP,ATMTR,DSINBE,ANGOT = astro(day, drv.LAT, drv.IRRAD) # 2.20 daily dry matter production # gross assimilation and correction for sub-optimum # average day temperature AMAX = params.AMAXTB(DVS) AMAX *= params.TMPFTB(drv.DTEMP) KDIF = params.KDIFTB(DVS) EFF = params.EFFTB(drv.DTEMP) DTGA = totass(DAYL, AMAX, EFF, LAI, KDIF, drv.IRRAD, DIFPP, DSINBE, SINLD, COSLD) # correction for low minimum temperature potential # assimilation in kg CH2O per ha DTGA *= params.TMNFTB(drv.TMINRA) PGASS = DTGA * 30./44. return PGASS
class WOFOST_Assimilation2(SimulationObject): """Class implementing a WOFOST/SUCROS style assimilation routine including effect of changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration. WOFOST calculates the daily gross |CO2| assimilation rate of a crop from the absorbed radiation and the photosynthesis-light response curve of individual leaves. This response is dependent on temperature and leaf age. The absorbed radiation is calculated from the total incoming radiation and the leaf area. Daily gross |CO2| assimilation is obtained by integrating the assimilation rates over the leaf layers and over the day. *Simulation parameters* (To be provided in cropdata dictionary): ========= ============================================= ======= ============ Name Description Type Unit ========= ============================================= ======= ============ AMAXTB Max. leaf |CO2| assim. rate as a function of TCr |kg ha-1 hr-1| of DVS EFFTB Light use effic. single leaf as a function TCr |kg ha-1 hr-1 /(J m-2 s-1)| of daily mean temperature KDIFTB Extinction coefficient for diffuse visible TCr - as function of DVS TMPFTB Reduction factor of AMAX as function of TCr - daily mean temperature. TMPFTB Reduction factor of AMAX as function of TCr - daily minimum temperature. CO2AMAXTB Correction factor for AMAX given atmos- TCr - pheric CO2 concentration. CO2EFFTB Correction factor for EFF given atmos- TCr - pheric CO2 concentration. CO2 Atmopheric CO2 concentration SCr ppm ========= ============================================= ======= ============ *State and rate variables* `WOFOST_Assimilation2` has no state/rate variables, but calculates the rate of assimilation which is returned directly from the `__call__()` method. *Signals sent or handled* None *External dependencies:* ======= =================================== ================= ============ Name Description Provided by Unit ======= =================================== ================= ============ DVS Crop development stage DVS_Phenology - LAI Leaf area index Leaf_dynamics - ======= =================================== ================= ============ """ class Parameters(ParamTemplate): AMAXTB = AfgenTrait() EFFTB = AfgenTrait() KDIFTB = AfgenTrait() TMPFTB = AfgenTrait() TMNFTB = AfgenTrait() CO2AMAXTB = AfgenTrait() CO2EFFTB = AfgenTrait() CO2 = Float(-99.) def initialize(self, day, kiosk, cropdata): """ :param day: start date of the simulation :param kiosk: variable kiosk of this Engine instance :param cropdata: dictionary with cropdata key/value pairs :returns: the assimilation rate using __call__() """ self.params = self.Parameters(cropdata) self.kiosk = kiosk def __call__(self, day, drv): params = self.params # published states from the kiosk DVS = self.kiosk["DVS"] LAI = self.kiosk["LAI"] # 2.19 photoperiodic daylength DAYL,DAYLP,SINLD,COSLD,DIFPP,ATMTR,DSINBE,ANGOT = astro(day, drv.LAT, drv.IRRAD) # 2.20 daily dry matter production # gross assimilation and correction for sub-optimum # average day temperature AMAX = params.AMAXTB(DVS) # added IS june 2013 # correction for changing CO2 concentration AMAX *= params.CO2AMAXTB(params.CO2) AMAX *= params.TMPFTB(drv.DTEMP) KDIF = params.KDIFTB(DVS) EFF = params.EFFTB(drv.DTEMP)*params.CO2EFFTB(params.CO2) DTGA = totass(DAYL, AMAX, EFF, LAI, KDIF, drv.IRRAD, DIFPP, DSINBE, SINLD, COSLD) # correction for low minimum temperature potential # assimilation in kg CH2O per ha DTGA *= params.TMNFTB(drv.TMINRA) PGASS = DTGA * 30./44. return PGASS